so that means tomorrow = Monday is a public holiday!! har3x . . . .
actually May 1st is 'who' suppose to be a public holiday but it fall on Sunday, which means the holiday been 'postponed' to the next day (Monday) as Sunday od declared as rest day .. n i od at Telupid, spending the holiday here plus doing some stuff needed ere..like laundry etc :P
my dearest hubby?he's with me but he's already fall asleep...i guess, its been two hours already n me still here, writing. Actually i just been in front of this laptop not more than an hour, been thinking what shud i update in this n what topic would be told. been spending a lil tyme doing the ..(i forgot the terms blogger used when visiting others blog site) but still, i didn't have the idea on what i'm gonna write here right now. i might end up writing some boring stuff which not satisfy me in writing / blogging or others who read n it might disappoint me more if ppl dont enjoy my story (which i could tell that ppl love and have been visit my Freindster blog b4 and enjoy reading stuff i wrote)
and maybe, i shud go to sleep and hoping that wake up next morning i might have an idea of what to wrote ere.....maybe f what nightmare i might face in my sleep =(
till then, have a sweet dreams and sleep well.
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