he's been playing outside since afternoon. Oh, correction. since morning!! with Puma and Mojo. but Puma n Mojo od got home and sleep somewhere inside home. but mimot?dun know where he was. calling him and at time i'm sending rabbits' food to daddy (around 5pm), i found mimot sleeping on old sawit leaves, under the guava tree. alone!!...n i manage to take his picture but he's od awake hearing me coming towards him. maybe he got so tired playing and tagging along with Puma that makes him didn't go upstairs but just go rest and sleeps there. but it's ok as long as he's safe :)

and here's another picture of mimot, sleeping on a box pieces (made during power out) under the table. hurm, he's at 1st, sleep on a couch but move from it when me and husband move to our bedroom. mimot kinda love to sleep where we can be seen by him. if we stayed watching tv, then mimot will be either on the same couch or nxt couch or sleeping on the carpet in the living room. but for sure, where we are, there'll he be. and it was our mimot :)
n rite now, didn't know where mimot already.i saw him playing outside b4 but i think he must be sleeping somewhere here rite now coz its raining to be sleeping outside the house. owh, there's mimot, playing where my sister and brother prepare to make a cake. har3x . . .
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