i've been blog-walking, a while ago n found some blogs which i considered as 'followed' but it's actually not-so-interesting to follow la . . . coz i actually read only 1 person's blog just now. ahahaha..hey, dont misunderstand me huh. . .i'll let u guys know if im 'blog-walking' urs . . . but not diz person.i'll keep it secret . . hidden . . coz i have d reason to do that . . . hahaha well, i guess dat person oso reading diz . . . nvrmind . . . my words, hurts nobody . . . except if u felt it ur heart la . . . hurm . .
kinda funny reading the thread/post from this person . . . well, i guess we both have common in writing . . . but what we didnt have in common is, this person loves to wrote or put a words of 'putting life to end' . . . life's interesting but yes!! life's not that easy . . . but still,life have something if u know how to enjoy every little of it. . . juz bcoz only SOME people dont trust u, then u shud just end ur life? so . . . damn TRAGIC!! i dont think i shud say u IDIOT but yeah . . . this makes me think ' y shud i care . . u r not some1 i know . . well, not anymore . . . get the H.*.*.* wit everything u wanna do' . . huh!! i try to not using words of 'mencarut' in this post. . .
actually, i can composed everything what i wanna say in 1 word. . . owh, myb two or more words . . NO REGRET!! . . . sori la klu ko terasa n mo marah2 sa dlm blog post ko . . . klu mo block sa pn, sa tia kisah coz its ur right n hope u shud think n know b4 u do something SO STUPID . . . coz THIS IS MY RIGHT to WRITE OR POST ANYTHING I WANT . . . . yeah, kebebasan menulis telah disalahgunakan . . . harap maaf kepada yg yg tidak berkaitan . . .dun flag me coz diz post directed to d unknown person . . .
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